Welcome! This blog is part of the annual "International Fake Journal Month" contest which runs during April each year. For April 2011 I took on the identity of a fictional character, Miss Lili Ann Percy, in my daily journaling and posted pages from her journal in this blog. Lili is a 36 year old Manhattanite and professional furniture designer who chucked it all to move to a small island off the coast of Florida. To enlarge pictures simply click on them. Please enjoy Lili's ponderings.......

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


PURR--verb:  make a low continuous vibratory sound usually expressing contentment; or speak in a low voice acting seductively


I had to laugh at the definition of the word "purr".  There's been a cat hanging around the back deck ever since I arrived at the cottage.  He jumps on my lap whenever I sit on the lounge and purrs up a storm.  And yes, I do think he's trying to seduce me, seduce me into feeding him!  I've come close, but am afraid he might belong to someone else.  He does look awfully skinny, though and keeps trying to sneak inside with me.  I just know I'm going to crumble any day now.  :-)  I've been calling him Luther.  

Tyrone called today, a surprise in itself, but even more surprising was that he wants to come visit me here next month.  And, he's not bringing Monroe with him.  Trouble in Paradise?  I didn't dare ask knowing how he doesn't like anyone to pry.  But, obviously I'm dying to know.

I can't imagine what's in his head wanting to come here during the heat of May.  I can just see Tyrone walking around the Island in his $350 pair of shoes with sweat beading off him because he'll be wearing his $2,200 suit and his ever present fedora.  Well, he can't say I didn't warn him.  I told him he should go buy a pair of flip flops and a couple of pairs of shorts.  I thought he was going to pass out when I suggested he head out to Long Island to visit his mother and stop in Walmart on the way to pick out his Bokeelia wardrobe.  LOL  

My Little Luther

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